Analisis Pemahaman Semantik Berbagai Kelas Kata pada Anak Usia 2 Tahun Masa Sensorik-Motorik
Analisis Semantik, Kelas Kata, Anak 2 TahunAbstract
This study aims to investigate semantic acquisition in 2 year old children regarding noun, verb and adjective word classes. Qualitative descriptive methods are used with direct observation of children's daily communication. Data is analyzed by paying attention to context, background, who the speaker is, origin and the role of the speaker when speaking. The results of the research show that children have mastered various types of nouns (body parts, surrounding objects, fruit, animals, greeting words, substances released by humans), verbs (actions, processes, circumstances), and adjectives (nature, size, feeling, time). , distance, five senses, shape, color). These findings highlight the importance of children's interactions with the environment and the role of the family for their language development.
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